It will definitely keep you up but there are three problems I had:
1. When you try and take a picture to turn off the alarm, the camera dismisses after a few seconds. I guess this is so that you dont pretend to take a picture to mute the alarm but its incredibly frustrating since you need to take an accurate picture to turn the alarm off.
2. The picture needs to be too accurate. When I was awake and tested it, I had no trouble turning the alarm off with a picture but when I tried it after just being awoken it took 7 unsuccessful tries (9 if you count the camera dismissing itself) and turning off my phone to turn it off. Which leads me to...
3. If you turn your phone off, when you turn it back on youre barraged with an endless stream of notifications until you close the application.
So yeah, its a great idea but theyre are too many problems for me to use it daily. I actually regret paying for it tbh. I hope to see an update soon so I can eat my words.
E-cut about Alarmy Pro - Alarm Clock, v1.0.2