The principle is great but the way they deliver it is so buggy and horrendous. First thing I noticed after I paid 1.99 was the interface wasnt updated for iOS9. Thats not a big deal to me, but quite unprofessional. The next thing I noticed is that when you take a picture of your target picture for the alarm, it saves the picture to your camera roll! I had about 50 pictures littered in my camera roll from trying to get up in the morning. The last straw I had with this app was when I tried to use it one morning and it glitched and wouldnt recognize the picture I was taking, no matter how accurate I was lining the two up. I tried force rebooting, and it when booted back up it was looping, spamming me with 100s of notifications, and I thought the app was gonna toast the vibration mechanism in my phone. I got rid of it all by deleting the app, but wow what a waste of money that was.
davidruffner about Alarmy Pro - Alarm Clock, v2.69